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Reading Room Research Procedures

General Rules

  • Materials in Special Collections & 学校档案不得流通,未经允许不得搬离阅览室.
  • Stack areas are closed to researchers.
  • Food, beverages, and gum are not permitted at the Reading Room table.
  • 铅笔、手机、笔记本电脑或其他个人设备都可以在阅览室的桌子上使用.
  • 研究人员同意尊重和礼貌地对待可能使用该空间的工作人员和其他研究人员.
  • Personal belongings are placed in the designated area during a research visit. 资料室工作人员保留检查带入阅览室的任何袋子或容器的权利.

Handling of Materials

  • Handle materials with care. 工作人员将指导研究人员妥善保管和处理材料,并提供必要的道具, aids, or protective gear.
  • Materials remain in the order in which the researcher received them. 每次删除一个文件,并在下一个文件从盒子中取出之前替换.
  • If an item appears to be damaged or misfiled, please notify Archives staff. 故意毁坏、毁坏和盗窃材料将受到起诉.

Reproductions and Permissions

  • Non-flash photography on personal devices is permitted. 经工作人员批准,可应要求提供影印本或数码扫描件.
  • 使用特殊收藏和大学档案材料创作的作品应包括适当的引用.
  • 许可使用档案不包括复制或出版其内容的权利. 研究者对遵守文学法律负有全部责任, copyright, or publications rights.

Collection Development

Special Collections

特殊馆藏中的材料有助于支持大学课程和教师的研究兴趣, staff, and students, as well as those outside the university. The rare books, manuscripts, documents, 和收藏的艺术品补充和增强了GVSU图书馆的可用资源. The collections are international in scope with particular focus on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War; Michigan in the novel; regional literature, history and culture; and history of the book and printing arts.

Read the full Special Collections & University Archives Collection Development Policy

University Archives

大峡谷州立大学档案是由大学管理部门创建的官方和辅助记录的存储库, academic departments, faculty, students, and campus organizations. 档案馆收集的记录记录了大学的使命,即通过优秀的教学为丰富社会做出贡献, active scholarship, and public service. 它的存在是为了帮助履行大学的法律责任,保存和提供其记录,并协助大学社区记录其行动和决定.

Selection and Donations

Materials acquired through purchase, transfer, or donation are evaluated by an archivist or curator prior to their accession. The informational contents, condition, format, completeness, and research value of materials are carefully considered, 特别注意这些材料如何适合我们的收藏范围.

Occasionally, 捐助者或其他社区成员可以要求对资源库可能受益的材料进行货币评估. Special Collections & University Libraries' staff is prohibited from offering a monetary appraisal. See more info in Appraisal.

If you have materials that you would like to donate to Special Collections & University Archives, or questions about the donation process, please contact us. A Special Collections & 学校档案主任或档案管理员在接受捐赠前将对资料的内容和状况进行审查. 捐赠者必须签署一份捐赠契约,将这些材料的所有权转让给学校. 

Permission to Publish

Permission to Publish

As owners of the physical materials in its collections, Special Collections & 大学档案馆保留授权出版其馆藏资料的权利. 如欲出版,须事先向特别馆藏主管提出书面申请. Use the PDF form linked above for this request. You may return the form by mail at the address given, or as an email attachment to Leigh Rupinski, Archivist for Public Services and Community Engagement at [email protected].

Except for brief excerpts, 未经版权所有人的书面许可,不得复制受版权保护的材料. 侵权的全部责任由申请出版许可的个人承担. Unless specifically stated, 欧洲杯押注并不声称对特别馆藏中的任何材料拥有版权.


特别馆藏可酌情收取商业出版物的使用费 & University Archives.

See also Copyright Basics.

Digital Preservation

大峡谷州立大学致力于长期保存大学图书馆收集的数字资料. GVSU将数字保存定义为在必要时持续访问数字材料所必需的一系列管理活动. This work is an outgrowth of GVSU's dedication to providing students, faculty, staff, and scholars at-large with access to resources to enrich their teaching, learning, scholarly, creative, and administrative activities. GVSU图书馆认为数字保存是其更广泛的收藏建设和机构历史保存工作的重要投资.

获得或创造的资料将优先获得数字保存服务 Special Collections & University Archives and ScholarWorks@GVSU. As resources permit and the University or Libraries administration mandate, digital preservation services may be extended to support other partners, projects, or initiatives. GVSU Libraries endeavors at a minimum to preserve access to any donated, acquired, or created digital materials in their original file formats. 然后,图书馆将作出“真诚的努力”(但不能保证),以更受欢迎或得到广泛支持的文件格式,不断系统地提供对这些数字材料的访问.

GVSU图书馆将尽一切努力保持保存的数字馆藏的可发现性, 但并非所有保存的资源都必须立即可用或在线可用. 在某些情况下,与数字材料相关的部分或全部信息可能会受到限制/编辑, embargoed, or have other special rights-driven requirements for access. Finally, 目前保存任何给定的数字内容的工作并不一定保证将来能够继续访问——这完全取决于技术的意外变化, their availability, as well as policies on disposition. 

Read the full GVSU Libraries Digital Preservation Policy


Special Collections and University Archives does not authenticate, provide evaluation, 或以其他方式对任何出售或捐赠的稀有材料提供专业评估或认证. Staff is prohibited from offering a monetary appraisal. 

We have curated a short list of resources that may be useful. 如果您希望找到估价师,我们建议您使用列出的协会之一. 这些协会的成员都必须遵守严格的道德规范.


Page last modified October 1, 2024