

实习为你提供了一种方法 hands-on, supervised experience in the world of work. 你可以 应用你正在学习的概念 在教室里有一个工作环境.


  • 已付或未付.
  • Duration of at least one semester (concurrently with classes or independently).
  • Depending on the organization and time of year - you may work full or part-time.
  • You may also elect to receive academic credit for your internship or do it for the experience alone.
  • 实习 are a great way to find out if a particular career or work environment is a good fit for you. And don’t forget…it’s not all about what you know, but who you know (and who knows you!). An internship will open the door to your professional network and hopefully lead to a permanent position upon graduation!


The process for receiving academic credit varies widely by major. To receive academic credit for an internship, begin by checking with the designated contact in your major's corresponding academic department for information on requirements and specific processes.

If your academic department does not require that an internship be completed for credit, you can always complete a not-for-credit internship on your own.


在和你的学术部门核实之后, they may require you to submit this 实习协议书. 


获得无薪实习的学分? 一定要申请我们的 就业中心实习奖! Scholarships are awarded every fall, winter, and spring/summer semester.


这取决于项目, you may or may not actually physically meet as a class; however, there will likely be assignments you’ll have to complete throughout the semester. Keep in contact with your faculty internship coordinator to ensure you are meeting all the appropriate deadlines.

If you are interning with a health-related organization, you may be required to go through GVSU健康合规. Check with your faculty internship coordinator to see if your internship site qualifies for this.

F-1或J- 1国际学生: You will need work authorization from USCIS for your internship.  Please contact Libby Jawish at the Padnos International Center (616) 331-3898 or (电子邮件保护) 实习开始前的详细信息.


The Career Center can help you with the process of finding an internship. 使用下面的提示开始吧.


  • It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to do in an internship. 想想你想做什么样的工作, 你想要发展的技能, 以及你想探索的行业. 参考我们的 自我指导的职业探索页面如果你需要一些想法.
  • 组织你的搜索. 记录下你申请过的公司, 当, 你和谁谈过, 当你需要跟进的时候.
  • internship contact in your major's academic department to ensure you understand the process of receiving credit if you choose to do so.


  • Most internships will require a resume and cover letter. 回顾我们的 简历指导,顺道拜访 CareerLab,或安排 任命 让人审阅你的文件.
  • 使用我们的新工具 ResumeAI 浏览你的简历并得到即时反馈. Once logged in using your GVSU SSO, navigate to the Resumes tab and choose "ResumeAI".
  • 更新你的LinkedIn 握手 配置文件. This will ensure you are receiving internship updates that fit what you are looking for.


  • 平均, 75%的实习都没有公布, so identify companies/organizations you are interested in and contact them directly.
  • Reach out to contacts and GVSU alumni through LinkedIn to conduct 招聘信息. This is a great way to learn about opportunities and build your network.
  • 参加活动. The Career Center brings hundreds of employers right to campus and these employers want to talk to you about opportunities.




  • Visit the interview section of our site to review tips on how to prepare for an interview.
  • 时间表 与你的职业顾问进行一次练习面试.
  • 在家练习使用 大面试.



  • It’s always important to follow-up; whether you’ve applied online for a position, 向联系人发送电子邮件询问, 或者在活动中遇到招聘人员.
  • 后续s can be done over email, phone, or LinkedIn.
  • Keep track of 当 you’ve followed up so you can be consistent, but not pestering. 一到两次跟进是一个很好的经验法则.





  • 参加所有迎新活动 提供并阅读所有可用的入职手册
  • 观察一切…what people wear, how they interact with each other, where they eat, etc.
  • 问问题 如果你对任何事情都不确定
  • 了解每个人——即使是你部门以外的人. This is a great way to learn more about the organization and possibly develop a mentor.
  • 为你想要的工作而着装. Just because your boss might wear shorts and t-shirts, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Be observant of what others wear, especially those in positions of leadership.
  • 学习一项新技能. Even if your internship isn’t exactly what you thought it  might be, it’s important to know that you walked away learning something new.
  • 要求新项目. Supervisors may underestimate the amount of time it takes an intern to complete a project.
  • 〇积极主动 It’s always good to look for things that need to be done.
  • 寻求反馈. 希望你的, supervisor will conduct an evaluation at the end of your internship, 但不要害怕寻求持续的反馈. This keeps the lines of communication open and ensures you’re meeting expectations.
  • 保持联系 实习结束后. It’s great if an internship can turn into a permanent position, 但这并不总是马上发生. Maintain relationships with those you worked with as they will likely keep you posted on upcoming openings, 也可以作为你的参考.

Unfortunately, not all internships may go as planned, and that’s okay. Finding out something you don’t like can be just as helpful as identifying what you do like. Reach out to the Career Center if you have any questions or concerns regarding your internship experience.

