CPT |课程实训


CPT authorizes F-1 international students to legally work off campus during their studies. 

CPT stands for Curricular Practical Training 这是F-1学生签证的一个好处. CPT是F-1学生毕业前的工作授权. Students are eligible to apply for CPT as long as they meet all the requirements, 包括部门审批和课程注册



If you plan to work a paid position off campus, you have to submit the CPT申请表格 然后签发一份新的I-20来授权CPT的工作. Y在你拿到新的I20之前,你可能不会工作.

Processing Time: all immigration requests are expected to take about 1 week (5 business days) to process while CPT requests can take up to 2 weeks if requested during a high demand time such as the start of a semester.


为了获得CPT的授权,您必须 第一个 完成以下内容:

  1.  工作邀请函
  2.  院系批准表格
  3.  合作协议表格
  4.  注册相应的课程

一旦你准备好了以上所有的东西,使用 上面链接的表格.


CPT stands for Curricular Practical Training and authorizes F-1 国际学生 to work off-campus while they are still completing their degree requirements. Students must be authorized through our office (ISS) for CPT to work off-campus; an international student is never allowed to work off-campus without CPT authorization. International students are allowed to volunteer or accept unpaid internships without CPT authorization, although sometimes iStudents should seek CPT authorization for unpaid work if it is a core component of their program. 的 国际空间站的团队 是否能够帮助学生确定这是必要的.  

CPT is authorized based on the semester a student is registered for the related course. CPT authorization dates are approximately the same as the semester and cannot exceed 4.每次授权5个月. 在拿到新的CPT I-20之前,学生不能开始工作. Work prior to the start date on this I-20 is in violation of their status. 

Students can be authorized for Full-time or 兼职CPT during Fall & 根据他们工作的总时数来决定冬季学期

  • 兼职CPT authorizes a total of 1-20 hours of work per week, including on and off-campus work
  • 全职CPT authorizes a total of 21-40 hours per week, including on and off-campus work

If a student is authorized for more than 365 days total during their degree for FULL TIME CPT, 他们就失去了选择的资格. 兼职CPT不影响学生获得选择的能力.

  • 选择代表的是 可选实践培训 这是F-1学生签证的一个好处
  • 选择 allows 1 year (up to 3 years for STEM) work authorization anywhere within the US 毕业后 but only within the student’s field of study/major


Frequently asked questions (常见问题解答) on these topics are answered below: 


的 authorization for CPT is based on the TOTAL number of hours the iStudent works in 1 week. 这意味着校内和校外工作是结合在一起的.

  • 兼职CPT authorizes a total of 1-20 hours of work per week, including on and off-campus work
  • 全职CPT authorized a total of 21-40 hours per week, including on and off-campus work

例如, if a student has a 20 hour per week GA and works 12 hours per week at an internship site off-campus, 学生将被授权参加全日制CPT. 


iStudents who work 365 days or more of Full-Time CPT during their degree, 失去工作的能力 选择 毕业后. 兼职CPT does not affect a student's ability to work on 选择 毕业后.

一些程序, 比如工程学, require 3 semesters of 全职CPT to fulfill their Co-Op degree requirements. iStudents in these programs must pay very close attention not to exceed the 365 days of 全职CPT during their degree. 的 Engineering department is aware of this limitation and students can successfully complete their Co-Op degree requirement without surpassing 365 days of 全职CPT. 

What if I want to continue working at the same employer for multiple semesters?

CPT is authorized based on the semester that the iStudent is taking the course related to the work experience. If students want to work at the same employer for multiple semester, 他们必须多次申请CPT.

例如, if a student gets an internship placement at a company that lasts an entire academic year (August - April), they would need to apply for CPT in August which is tied to a Fall course and apply again for CPT in November or December which is tied to a Winter course.

Do I have to register for a new course every semester I work on CPT?

是的. CPT is authorized based on the course that is related to the work experience. 因此,每个学期,iStudent都希望在CPT下工作, they need to be registered for the course that the Faculty agrees is related to the work experience and the student must apply for a separate CPT authorization.

的 only exception to registering for a new class each semester is if the Faculty deems that the work was not complete from the CPT authorization the semester prior and assigns an Incomplete grade (letter "i"). 在这种情况下, 学生注册一学期的课程, 被分配一个字母“i”的等级, 并在接下来的学期完成工作. If this is the case, the iStudent will still need to apply for CPT the following semester. 

我在CPT上的成绩是不完整的. 我还需要重新申请CPT吗?

是的. CPT是基于学生所修课程的学期. If the iStudent needs to continue their CPT authorization into the next semester because their work related to the course is incomplete, they must apply for CPT again and indicate on the form that the course was from the last semester and they were assigned a letter "i" grade. 


由于春季/夏季学期被认为是休息, you can work up to 40 hours per week combining CPT and on-campus work. 看看这些场景,更好地理解它是如何工作的:

20 hours on 兼职CPT + 20 hours on-campus = total 40 hours per week
是的! This works during Spring/Summer because it is a break semester and 40 hours total are permitted.

30 hours on 全职CPT + 10 hours on-campus = total 40 hours per week
是的! 如果每周超过20小时,CPT总是被认为是全职的.

40小时的全日制CPT + 40小时的校内学习=每周80小时
NO! 这是不允许的. 即使有全职的CPT授权, 你可以在校内和校外工作40个小时. 这违反了你的移民身份.
