

有超过200个研究领域可供选择, 博雅教育的重点, 优秀的教师队伍, 以及实践研究的机会, you're sure to find what you're looking for at Grand Valley.




Grand Valley's 教员 are highly accomplished and love to teach. Our 教员 know you by name and will help you succeed. Our faculty is also respected nationally – Grand Valley ranks second in our category for faculty Fulbright Scholars. More than 55 Grand Valley faculty and staff members have earned Fulbright awards since 1964.



Graduate assistantships are work opportunities offered to graduate students. Graduate assistantships provide graduate students a tuition waiver and part-time, 带薪工作经历.  有 a limited number of graduate assistantships available for qualified students.



在大峡谷接受教育是一项伟大的投资. 的 投资回报 ensures graduates are uniquely prepared with the knowledge, 技能, 并且理解雇主寻找和奖励. You will have the 技能 to succeed wherever your 职业生涯 and life take you.

甚至更好的, Grand Valley supports your success by providing a full range of academic, 职业生涯, 以及其他支持服务, 比如 GVSU就业中心,旨在帮助你实现目标. 的 Career Center will host free sessions such resume writing and interviewing workshops.  也, 超过1600名雇主参加招聘会, on campus interviews and other on campus events 每年.

大峡谷提供 超过200个研究领域,这些都是由激情教授的 教员 who are leaders in their fields and come from all over the United States and the world.

我们很荣幸为本科生提供服务 研究的机会 that are generally only available to graduate students at other universities. Grand Valley even sponsors research grants for undergraduate students. 的 学生及暑期学者 program provides $8,000 grants for summer research with Grand Valley 教员.

巨大的机遇 为大峡谷大学的研究生准备的. Many of our graduates have the opportunity to conduct research with faculty or pursue internships at local companies, 提供广泛的专业经验. Graduate students can receive research grants from Grand Valley as well as funding to attend professional conferences. In addition, students who conduct research may participate in our annual 研究生展示

Living on campus will provide learning resources to enhance your education. 参观 房地产网站 了解更多信息.

GVSU student in the Kindschi Hall of Science on the 艾伦代尔 campus.


At Grand Valley, we don’t require you to wait until you are pursuing an advanced degree to conduct the kind of research that has impact -- 对你和社会都有影响. 本科生学习从 Parkinson’s to antibiotic resistance to disease in bats, giving them crucial real-world experience and making discoveries that affect their field.

  • Dedicated 教员 who relish the opportunity to work with students in their laboratories or in the field will lead your learning.
  • You also have a chance to conduct independent research with the helpful-but-not-intrusive guidance of a faculty member.
  • Grand Valley regularly showcases students’ research, allowing them a venue to share their findings with the academic community.


A GVSU国际学生 working at an Engineering Co-op.


Hands-on learning and other fieldwork not only deepen your mastery of your discipline but also give you the edge employers will seek. 作为一个 Laker, you will have the knowledge, the real-world experience, and the 工具,使所有的工作在一起. 你所受的教育会让你做好准备 thrive in in-demand industries like engineering, business, and life sciences.

  • Nearly 8,400 students gain experience in internships and co-ops 每年.
  • Fieldwork is built into the curriculum for many degrees, so your hands-on work and coursework effectively complement each other.
  • Advisors, 教员, and others actively work to find you 最好的实地考察机会.
  • 有 many options for paid internships and co-ops, giving you 有些人在学习的同时提供经济上的帮助.


Grand Valley的Robert C. 皮尤大学位于密歇根州大急流城的中心地带.



  • 格兰德山谷位于 大急流城, providing students and graduates access to a variety of industries from health professions, engineering, business, and more.
  • 大急流城 has the fastest growing economy in the U.S.
  • Find internships, co-ops, volunteer, and 研究的机会, 从大急流城市中心很容易到达.
  • Be part of a growing city, with emerging businesses and 工业,包括130多家国际公司.


的 Medical Mile on the East Side of downtown 大急流城, home to GVSU's Health Campus.



  • 位于“医疗英里”,大峡谷的健康 Campus is a catalyst for healthcare partnerships and joint research ventures.
  • This location places students within walking distance of clinical and unique learning experiences at organizations such as Spectrum 健康和范安德尔研究所. 
  • 的 Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences (CHS) and Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall are state-of-the-art facilities housing classrooms, 实验室和医院模拟实验室.
  • 的 new DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health (opening in May) will be the flagship of the Health Campus, allowing interaction between students from all nursing and health professions programs.


International engineering students studying in Fred M. 凯勒.



  • 7,318 GVSU students did student teaching, clinical, fieldwork, 2020-2021年的带薪实习、实习和实习.
  • Grand Valley remains the leading provider of health care professionals in our region with over 9,300 students enrolled in our 65个健康相关项目.
  • 的 Padnos School of Engineering was ranked one of the best undergraduate engineering programs in the country in U.S. 新闻 和世界报告 “2022年最佳大学”排名.
  • Students in Grand Valley's Nursing and Engineering programs boast 执照考试通过率100%.
  • Grand Valley's Engineering programs were rated one of the best in 中西部地区 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告 “2022年最佳大学”排名.
  • 在“最具创新力”榜单上,大峡谷名列第16位 学校” U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告 “2022年最佳大学”排名.

