有用信息、提示 & 资源

How can parents and teachers help students with disabilities prepare for postsecondary education?

家长和中学老师将不再对他们的学生在中学后接受的住宿有发言权.  高等院校的学生被当作成年人对待,他们应该自己做决定.  In some cases, disability services may keep students’ information confidential from parents.  因此, 重要的是,家长和老师帮助他们的学生准备好承担更大的责任,这将要求他们. 他们可以向学生提供有关残疾的信息,以及他们在中学后教育中需要的各种支持. 家长和老师也可以通过教导和加强自我决定来帮助学生做好准备, 维护自己的权利, and career development skills, 通过促进内部控制点(责任感和对自己未来的控制). They can also help students explore the issues outlined in this document.

What are students’ rights in post-secondary schools?

在中学, 残疾学生有权接受免费和适当的公共教育. However, in post-secondary education, IDEA no longer applies. 《欧洲杯押注网页》和《欧洲杯押注》第504节介绍了涵盖残疾学生中学后教育经历的民权法律.

根据这些法则, 残疾学生有平等参加教育项目和相关活动的权利, and to reasonable accommodations. The definition for reasonable accommodations is, 然而, 模糊的, and sometimes determined in the courts. What students need to know is that by law, 高等教育机构必须提供合理的便利,以帮助学生充分参与他们的教育经历. 重要的是要记住,IDEA在中学所要求的个性化教育与民权法在高等学校所要求的“接触”之间的区别. Post-secondary schools are not required to redesign their programs, but to give accommodations that increase access to already existing programs.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) also known as the Buckley Amendment, helps protect the privacy of student records. 在FERPA, eligible students have the right to inspect and review their education records; seek amendment of any records believed to be inaccurate; consent to disclosure of education records except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; and to file a complaint with FPCO concerning potential violations. FERPA applies to students who are currently (or formerly) enrolled in higher education, regardless of age or status. 大峡谷大学为所有学生提供个人或通过大学网站访问其记录的全部权限. FERPA将大学生视为成年人,负责决定谁可以收到有关他们的信息. While guardians/parents understandably have an interest in a student’s academic progress, 没有学生的书面同意,他们不会自动获得访问学生记录的权限. 学生可以使用myBanner中的Guardian/Family access选项卡查看他们的在线记录. Guardians/Parents are encouraged to consult with the student if academic information is needed.


The post-secondary years provide students with both new freedoms and new responsibilities. 许多学生都是第一次离家生活,或者是第一次自己做个人决定. Parents are naturally concerned about the safety, 健康, and social adjustment of their sons and daughters. Disability-related issues can make this an even more challenging time for students and parents. However, there is help available.

Materials for parents of college students, such as the previously mentioned book by Helen E. 约翰逊和克里斯汀·舍尔哈斯-米勒的作品,可以在当地书店和图书馆的书架上找到. Several Web sites have also been created for the parents of college students. Many colleges and universities, for example, provide tips for parents on their Web sites. 不幸的是, 这些资源并不能解决残疾学生及其家庭所面临的许多独特挑战.

Information developed specifically for the parents of high school students with disabilities, 另一方面, does not cover parenting issues during the college years. 这些材料通常试图帮助父母为青少年过渡到高等教育做好准备,
find financial aid, and learn about the ADA and Section 504. The benefits of family support may be mentioned, but what this support looks like at the post-secondary level is not described. 事实上, 在最近的过渡文献中,对过度保护的养育和习得性无助的强调给了一些父母和教育者一个错误的印象,即父母的参与在中学后是完全不受欢迎的.

Although not widely available, 最近的一些研究证实了父母在中学后提供的支持的价值,并表明父母的积极参与可以培养孩子, 而不是阻碍, 民族自决. Additional studies and research-based guidance

FAQ Regarding Academic Matters:

Am I allowed to call and ask questions about my student’s class performance?

根据FERPA(1974年的家庭教育权利和隐私法),教职员工不能讨论学生的学习成绩,除非你的学生获得了指定的大学员工(教职员工或管理人员)披露的书面许可。. 有关您的学生如何授予访问权限的步骤,可以在注册官网页的“家长”部分找到.

What happens if my student is late paying for tuition?

If a student does not pay for tuition on time, 他们将在付款截止日期后立即从所有注册课程中除名. Payment after the deadline does not guarantee a student a seat in the classes previously registered for; they will have to enroll in classes that still have available seats.

What happens if my student misses an exam?

While attendance policies can be class and instructor specific, GVSU students are expected to attend class, to turn in work on the scheduled due date, and to take all exams at the scheduled date and time. If a student misses class for an illness or for a family emergency, documentation may be required prior to an opportunity to discuss accommodations. 对于无故缺课的学生,学校不会提供补考或补课的机会. 特别是, your student is expected to take the final examination on the scheduled day and time, so please consider your student’s exam schedule when planning family vacations. What happens if my student chooses to retake a course previously completed? A student may repeat any course one time. 第二次尝试的成绩将记录在案,并将计入他们的平均绩点, but all course attempts will remain on the official transcript. 修读一门课程超过一次,必须经学生的学术顾问和院系批准, 而且通常只会在学生主修领域以外的课程上获得批准.



哈里斯,米.B., & 琼斯,年代.L. (1996). The Parent’s Crash Course in Career Planning: Helping Your College Student Succeed. 职业前景.

约翰逊,H.E., & Schelhas-Miller,年代. (2000). Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money—The Essential Parenting Guide to the College Years. St. 马丁的格里芬.

纽曼,B.M., & 纽曼,P.R. (1992). When Kids Go to College: A Parent’s Guide to Changing Relationships. Ohio State University Press.

Page last modified June 9, 2023